Thursday, February 01, 2007

General Updates and

This week I haven't had the chance to do too much development. I've been real busy with work and haven't been that motivated after work to work on my side projects. Here's some brief updates to a few projects I'm currently working on: Currently there isn't a whole lot to look at. I've listed all of the candidates who have either declared they will run or officially filed papers to run for President in the 2008 elections. My next steps are:
1. Post detailed information about each candidate and create a candidate bio page. In the bio page I would like to use the Google AJAX Search API to show a list of recent news articles for each candidate. I'm excited to learn another Google API and use some AJAX on the site! Check out my progress here.

2. Start tracking votes. I need to set up some PHP/HTML forms to submit votes to a MySQL database back-end

3. Display the results on a Google Map. Unfortunately I've had to put the "KissNet" gadget (detailed here) on hold for now to work on which is more exciting to me right now. The functionality on is all set so now it's just a matter of running/maintaining the site. Yesterday one of my friends gave me some inspiration to sell my extra Yankees tickets on I checked and ticket sales are allowed on Froogle so I think I will post all of my extra tickets on JessesGadgets and see what happens. Since I can email-forward my tickets the whole process will be very smooth. If anyone wants to sell sporting events/concert tickets on JessesGadgets let me know. I will not charge any listing fees.

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